
Friday, 7 May 2010

Election time

So then, did everyone break the restraints of apathy yesterday to fulfil their civic duty? I think most people did. With all that's going on, this is a time when everyone should stand up and take notice. I tried to follow the campaigns from the start, but the longer it went on, with all the bullshit and forced sincerity, the faster I slipped back into indifference.

Still, it's vital to exercise our right to vote. Especially seeing as during the last general election I would have voted if it weren't for the fact that when I turned up at the polling station I was told that I wasn't even registered in that city and so had to walk home having made no democratic difference at all. So this time around I made absolutely sure that I was registered and knew exactly where I was going, even though I was still no closer to making a decision right up to the time of walking into the booth.

But they don't half make it hard do they? I mean I left school years ago now, and to walk back through those school gates and be put back through the rigours of a primary school education, being told to put the right coloured piece of paper through the slot on the right coloured box. I mean the mind reels. I was never too good at that even as a kid. It was fine though, I worked it out in the end. 

But who to vote for? We've all had enough of Brown and Labour and I can't abide that putty-faced fool David Cameron or the idea of a Tory government. So I thought Lib Dem was a fairly sound choice, but as the campaigning went on I began to get more and more irritated with Clegg's fervent sincerity and the way he stared down the camera delivering his rehearsed lines like someone in an audition. Perhaps if he repeated the word 'change' enough and stared straight into our eyes, maybe he could hypnotise us into voting Lib Dem. Sorry, but I don't play that shit. And besides could we really have a prime minister who looks like a manager from PC World?

So, still undecided right up until the last minute, the only thing I knew for sure was that I couldn't stand the BNP getting any votes at all, and so with that in mind I just put a big cross next to them and walked straight out. That ought to do it.

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