
Saturday, 16 January 2010

It's a Stressful World

My god, it’s a stressful world you know.... I saw a bee drop dead from a heart attack the other day.

This bee went slowly chugging past me, right, really slowly, you know, and I was looking at it, and to my eye the bee looked as though it were distressed. It was just how I felt, but you know he was just looking worried. As he flew past we just sort of caught eyes and I could tell something was up. I looked at him, and he looked at me, and it was just like ‘hello, something’s up here’.

Anyway right, I carry on and turn around and just have this real foreboding feeling inside. I didn’t like it. Not one bit. Then as I turned back around, this bee just dropped straight out the air onto the pavement. He’s just lying there on his back. On the pavement. I mean what do you do? He’s lying there and not moving and I mean that’s just life isn’t it. I doubt an ambulance is going to come out and I’m not going to give him the kiss of life am I, it’s a bee for Christ sake.

But it just goes to show what a stressful world it is when the bees have had enough. You know all he probably wanted to do was make his honey. This bee could have had shadowing on its lung just from choosing to live in London, you know, but the bee wouldn’t have been aware of it. Do you know how hard it is to find a good GP in London? One that will just turn to you and give it to you straight, without any messing. Meanwhile there’s people just walking around whistling saying what a nice day it is. No it’s not, there’s just been a death you insensitive bastard.

But it got me thinking, you know. This bee probably didn’t even see it coming, and that’s just the way life goes. He’d probably just been going about his day, whistling his little tune. I mean I don’t know if pollen is high in cholesterol or something. Maybe he hadn’t been keeping check on his diet. Christ with the stress of today he could have had blood pressure through the roof. The point is you’ve just got to look after yourself in this day and age. If you don’t get on top of your health, it will get on top of you.

But I’ll never forget the look that bee gave me.

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